We all love vintage romcoms, especially the part when the girl is sitting in a vanity van in beautiful makeup and hairdo, and her love walks in. She slowly turns around in her vintage lingerie and reveals it to him. However, lingerie has been a part of women's lives for centuries, but it hasn't looked the same. Astonishingly, to this day, lingerie is the only silhouette that has seen so much evolution in the fashion industry. Also, it is the only garment that has gone through so many changes over time. Yet, they remain elegant, gladly and gradually, just like every fashion statement vintage lingerie is coming back. For some women, vintage style lingerie holds a special place in their hearts, and if they make an instant comeback, women will line up in markets to buy them. Also, they hold great significance in the history of women's clothing. Metaphorically, vintage lingerie is a moon that has gone through several beautiful transitioning phases. Let's read how vintage lingerie has changed over time and how we can accessorize these beautiful costumes in contemporary times. Source url:- women in vintage lingerie